Saturday, 6 August 2011

Paris Day One

Well it seems you would like to see more of Paris! :)
Although I'm going to pass on the suggestion to share all 455 photo's if you don't mind!!
The thought of uploading that lot to Blogger gave me nightmares ;) HOL
My photo's consist of some of the more usual stuff...the iconic stuff that would be criminal to miss seeing if you ever go to Paris ;) and some perhaps a bit different.
I think I'll try to post stuff in the order things happened....but I might get a little side tracked!!

Shall we begin?
The journey there turned out to take longer than we thought....considering it was only a 1 hour flight!!! Miles to walk to the baggage collection then miles to walk to the train from the baggage collection!.....waiting for ages to change money to use in the automated ticket machines.....ages working out exactly where we had to change on the metro from the Gard du Nord.

....walking miles on the metro between platforms/ would not want to have any problems with walking if you need to use the metro in Paris....they use a lot of steps!!!!!
Finally reached hotel...phew! And it was phew....we were hot!!
It was 5.30 by now. Hotel Des Arts...rue Tholozé  a lovely base in Monmartre :)

Dumped our bags and quickly headed for the nearest bar that had 6 seats outside!
A welcome cold beer for all.....but OMG....a 50cl glass was 7 euro!

Headed back to hotel with just enough time to unpack bags....quick re-application of make up 'cos it had all melted LOL....and then out to find a bite to eat :)
Walked a little way along la rue des Abbesses to where it meets the rue des martyrs and eventually we agreed to try a little pizza place on the corner called La Pignatta.

...I know, I Paris? But the prices were very reasonable and it was a very tasty pizza and I'm not a big fan of them so it must have been good ;) !

Then we set off up the hill (And what a hill! Reminds me of Brixham) towards the Sacré-Cœur.

.....window shopped in the lanes around the Place du Tetre.

Onto the Sacré-Cœur to sit on the steps and watch the world go by.

Some chaps selling tat!

Some chaps juggling a football.
One chap danced to the music of the acrobatic footballers whilst wearing winkle picker shoes no less!

(seems to be the footwear of choice for younger Parisienne men at the moment)

Does he remind you of someone who has an umbrella??? He did me...LOL would not believe how happy that little vignette made me, although none of the others got it so I'm glad I can share it with you :)

The sun began to set and we walked round the back of the Sacré-Cœur and managed to catch the lovely light on the stone work.

End of day one.
Day two is just around the corner ;)

xoxo Sioux


  1. Oooh! Great pics...I'll have to wait to see the rest as we're off today for a few days away-alas nowhere exciting but should be able to relax!
    Love, Chrisx

  2. Lovely - brings back some great memories. Thanks for that.

  3. Gorgeous pics, thanks for sharing your trip with us.

  4. Hi,
    Thank you for trip number two... gorgeous pics. and yes, I had to smile at the Pizza in Paris, although I'm with you on how good they are.
    I love Montmartre, very special to us. My DH proposed IN the Sacre-coeur ;)
    Can't wait to see more.
    isa x

  5. Great minds Sioux. I scrolled through your photos before going back for a closer look and as soon as I saw your winkle picker chappie I though, Oh the umbrella man!!!! He's perfect isn't he.
    I'm glad you had a great time. I read your previous post first and am glad you did the things on your list, although it's funny how sometimes they are not what you expect and then other things turn out better.
    Thanks for sharing everything. It's somewhere I would love to go one day.
    Hugs Lisax

  6. Looking fab! Never stayed in Montmartre, always been too afraid I'd forget about the rest of the city! Umbrella man in the flesh - had exactly the same thought as you!

  7. Great photos - although I am little bit sad that it wasn't raining cause how extra fab would that picture of you know who have looked if he had been holding a brolly? is that wrong?

  8. looks like a FAB trip hun... and you saw the real Brolly Man, yes, he does look like him!


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