Sunday 4 November 2012

Satisfy Me!

Satisfy me?
OOoooh yes....that opening dance by the boys on Strictly definitely hit the spot!! ROFL
Last night Lewis hit another spot and as to still my beating heart!!! :)
Tonight was a great show....loved The Wanted, loved Andrea Bochelli even more..
thought it fair that Richard and Erin stayed.
xoxo Sioux


  1. Agree with you about Richard and Erin in the dance off but I will miss Colin - it's going to get harder don't you think? love, Chrisx

  2. ha ha that opening number was a feast for the eyes!!!

  3. Aaaaaw...with all these new men in your life, poor RA must be feeling a little left out. Suppose I could look after him for you? :D XXX

  4. Darn!!! Spoiler alerts please! I've been away and have to watch the results show on catch point now! Sulks. Lindsay x x

  5. yep, as much as I love Colin (my crush for about 281 years) I thought he mucked up his dance and Richard and Erin were better... I didn't like Richard before the show, now I love him... and I liked Colin, now I think he is a bit arrogant... And as for Artem with the shirt off, am still recoverin from my fit of the vapours rofl x


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